SUPERSHOT® Platelet-Rich Plasma: Enhanced Regenerative Potential

What is SuperShot® PRP?
SuperShot® PRP is an advanced process designed to increase the concentration of extracellular vesicles (EVs), including exosomes, in Platelet-Rich Plasma. By introducing an additional centrifugation step to platelet-poor plasma (PPP), SuperShot® isolates low-density, lipid-rich EVs. This innovative approach enhances the PRP content with these biologically active components, making it more potent for regenerative therapies.
How does SuperShot work?
SuperShot® employs a unique method using a polyethylene glycol (PEG) and high-weight Dextran (Dex) aqueous two-phase system. This system reduces the solubility of low-density lipids, such as EVs, enabling their precipitation at standard centrifuge speeds. The EVs are then pelleted and included in the PRP while the PEG/Dex solution remains in the discarded PPP.
- Supershot 2mL Vial

Common Questions About SuperShot
Why doesn’t standard PRP concentrate extracellular vesicles?
Traditional PRP processes don’t effectively isolate EVs due to their low density. Clinical centrifuges typically operate at speeds between 1,000–5,000 RPM, which are insufficient to pellet EVs. Achieving EV isolation through centrifugation alone requires speeds exceeding 100,000 RPM and several hours of processing. While standard PRP contains EVs, they remain at baseline plasma levels.
Does SuperShot® PRP include the solution used in the process?
No. The PEG/Dex solution remains in the discarded PPP, leaving only the isolated EVs incorporated into the final PRP. This ensures that the concentrated EVs are purely autologous and immediately available for use.
Why choose SuperShot® PRP?
Extracellular vesicles are rich in biologically active molecules, particularly non-coding microRNAs, which play a key role in wound healing, tissue regeneration, and the formation of new blood vessels. SuperShot® enhances the concentration of EVs and their critical microRNAs in PRP, providing a powerful regenerative tool. Unlike allogeneic products, which are processed and stored, SuperShot® ensures EVs are collected and used at the point of care. This minimizes risks of degradation from freezing or drying and avoids complications associated with donor-derived materials.
How does SuperShot® PRP differ from standard PRP?
In standard PRP preparation, whole blood is separated into three layers: red blood cells, platelet-rich plasma, and platelet-poor plasma, based on density. SuperShot® PRP takes this a step further by re-centrifuging the PPP with the innovative aqueous two-phase system, precipitating lipid-rich EVs and enhancing the final PRP composition for improved therapeutic efficacy.
SuperShot® represents a significant leap forward in PRP technology, optimizing its regenerative potential with a focus on quality and safety.
SuperShot® represents a significant leap forward in PRP technology, optimizing its regenerative potential with a focus on quality and safety.